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Evaluation by XPS of the contribution of an atmospheric plasma treatment on the extreme surface chem
Identification of the chemical nature of polymer film by XPS
Characterization of single- to multi-layer surface treatments - ToF-SIMS
Aromatic compound mapping - ToF-SIMS
Study of the deformation/cracking of a barrier coating on a flexible substrate
XPS evaluation of oxidation degrees
Determination of the homogeneity of a PDMS plasma treatment on carbon fibres by XPS
Identification of contamination in polymers after recycling - ToF-SIMS
Imaging the composition of homeopathic granules by ToF-SIMS
Identification and localisation of contamination in a microelectronic component
Micrometric scale topography of a watch dial - PO3D
Localized adhesion mechanisms in an assembly (Tof-SIMS / AFM)
Measurement of the recovery rate of a cosmetic treatment on natural skin by XPS
3D morphology and mechanical properties of nanoparticles
Morphology, topography and chemical composition of Li-ion batteries
Morphology, topography, chemical composition of wood, textile and paper - SEM/FIB/EDX
Morphology and chemical composition of ceramics - SEM/FIB/EDX
Morphology, topography, crystal structure, chemical composition of civil engineering materials - SEM
Morphology, topography, crystal structure, chemical composition of polymers and composites - SEM/FIB
Morphology, topography, chemical composition of glass - SEM/FIB/EDX
Cleaning of a contaminated surface with the ToF-SIMS argon cluster gun
The argon cluster gun, an innovation for XPS profiles of coated glasses
Roughness analysis of breast prostheses by PO3D
Morphology, granulometry and chemical composition in pharmacology - SEM/FIB/EDX
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FIB MEB Ga ou Xe
Optical profilometry
Tomography X
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Biophy Research
Glass surface composition: a comparative approach by TOF SIMS and XPS
H. Montigaud, T. Crétin, S. Ben Khemis, A. Serve, C. Roukoss, Y. de Puydt
Transversal R&D centers by SAINT-GOBAIN [July 2022]
Chemical durability of lead crystal glass: Comparison of shortterm aqueous and atmospheric alteration at 90°C
M. Collin, B. Diallo, H. Lecoq, S. Ory, E. Chauvet, N. Pellerin
Applied Glass Science [September 2020]
High temperature steam oxidation of chromium-coated zirconium-based alloys: Kinetics and process
J.-C. Brachet, E. Rouesne, J. Ribis, T. Guilbert, S. Urvoy, G. Nony, C. Toffolon-Masclet, M. Le Saux, N. Chaabane, H. Palancher, A. David, J. Bischoff, J. Augereau, E. Pouillier
Elsevier Corrosion Science [2020]
ToF-SIMS depth profiling of altered glass
M. Collin, S. Gin, P. Jollivet, L. Dupuy, V. Dauvois and L. Duffours
Materials Degradation www.nature.com/npjmatdg [2019]
Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins Determine Glioblastoma Stem-Like Cells Fate in an Oxygen-Dependent Manner
A. Soubéran, J. Cappaï, M. Chocry, C. Nuccio, J. Raujol, C. Colin, D. Lafitte, H. Kovacic, V. Quillien, N. Baeza-Kallee, G. Rougon, D. Figarella-Branger, A. Tchoghandjian
Stem Cells Cancer Stem Cells [2019]
Atom-Probe Tomography, TEM and ToF-SIMS study of borosilicate glass alteration rim: A multiscale approach to investigating rate-limiting mechanisms
S. Gin, P. Jollivet, G. Barba Rossa, M. Tribet, S. Mougnaud, M. Collin, M. Fournier, E. Cadel, M. Cabie, L. Dupuy
Elsevier Science Direct [December 2016]
Three-dimensional motion of particles in a shear flow near a roughwall
F. Feuillebois, F. Gensdarmes, Z. Mana, L. Ricciardi, C. Monier, G. LeMeur, C. Reynaud, M. Rabaud
Elsevier Journal of Aerosol Science [October 2015]
Mapping Young Modulus at the nanoscale on soft materials using AFM
C. Reynaud, Y. De Puydt, G. Lacroix, R. Neviere
Seeing at the Nanoscale (SNS 2012), [July 9 - 11 2012]
Profil du lithium dans un électrolyte solide (LiPON), comparaison des profils à température ambiante et basse température
L. Dupuy
Communication à la réunion annuelle des utilisateurs francophones IonTof, Paris [june 2012]
Approche Multi-technique (XPS, MET, TOF SIMS, AFM) pour la caractérisation de textiles dédiés à des applications médicales
C. Roukoss, S. Caiveau, A. David, L. Dupuy, S. Dupuy, C. Effernelli et Y. De Puydt
ELSPEC 2012, 5ème conférence francophone sur les spectroscopies d’électrons [May 22 - 25 2012]
Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy: GD-OES, rapid analytical assistance for plasma film deposition
E. Barisonne, G. Girard, G. Tschopp, T. Nelis, L. Roske, Y. De Puydt, L. Dupuy, P. Raynaud
18th international colloquium on plasma processes (CIP 2011), Nantes [July 5 – 8, 2011]
Surface analysis for plasma treatment characterisation,
A. David, Y. De Puydt, L. Dupuy, S. Descours, F. Sommer, M. Tran, J. Viard
Chapter 5 of Plasma technology for hyperfunctional surfaces. Food, biomedical and textile applications
Edited by H. Rauscher, M. Perucca, G. Buyle
Copyright © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
ISBN: 978-3-527-32654-9
Chemical vapour deposition of a solid state electrolyte for microbattery applications
P. Achatz, J.L. Deschanvres, C. Jimenez, L. Le Van-Jodin, S. Poulet, J.M. Decams, Y. De Puydt, M. Tran, F. Sommer, L. Dupuy, J. Viard, D. Guy-Bouyssou
IMLB 2010, International Meeting on Lithium Batteries Montréal [June – July 2010]
Blocking of LLDPE Films – Effect of Surface Morphology
O. Vincent, E. Osmont, F. Sommer
J. of Plastic Film and Sheeting 20, p. 247 - 260 [2004]
Nanometric Scale Characterisation of the Compatibility of Tailor-made Thermoplastic Elastomers
T. Reichmann, F. Sommer, T. Duc
KGK, 57,5, p.252 - 259 [2004]
Structure of Pristine Crystal Defects revealed by AFM and Microtomography
S. Lecume, C. Spykerelle, F. Sommer
Abstracts APS [2003], USA
Multion: a multivariate software for qualitative and quantitative surface analysis, depth profiles and mapping by ToF-SIMS
F. Vernerey, T. Duc, H. Montigaud
ECASIA [2003]
Multivariate analysis of ToF-SIMS data: surface spectra – depth profiling – surface imaging. Development of MULTI-ION SIMS
F. Vernerey
Thesis of University of Lyon I [2003]
Antioxidant additive segregation and crystallisation at the surface of poly(ethylene iso phthalate) studied by ToF-SIMS
N. Medard, A. Benninghoven, D. Rading, A. Licciardello, A. Auditore, Tran Minh Duc, H. Montigaud, F. Vernerey, C. Poleunis and P. Bertrand
SIMS XIII [2001]
Principal Component Analysis of ToF-SIMS depth profiles: SiOx/PET layers
F. Vernerey, T. Duc, H. Montigaud, P. Fayet
J of Surf and Interf. Analysis, ECASIA 01 [2001]
AFM study of adhesion and indentation on plasma treated polypropylene surfaces
C. Reynaud
Thesis of University of Lyon I [2001]
Quantitative determination of Young’s modulus on a biphase polymer system using atomic force microscopy
C. Reynaud, F. Sommer, C. Quet, N. El Bounia, T. Duc
Surf. And interface Anal. 30, p. 185 - 189 [2000]
Artificial tear adsorption on soft contact lenses: methods to test surfactant efficacy
V. Rebeix, F. Sommer, B. Marchin, D. Baude, T. Duc
Biomaterials 21, p. 1197 - 1205 [2000]
Surface Modification of PTFE in RFG low Discharge (H
, He, O
, NH
) plasma
M. Charbonnier, M. Romand, T. Duc
Polym. Surf. Mod., Relev. to Adhesion, Ed. KL MITTAL, VSP Utrecht (NL), [2000]
Multion: a multivariate software for qualitative and quantitative analysis of ToF-SIMS spectra
F. Vernerey, Tran Minh Duc, H. Montigaud, A. Benninghoven, D. Rading, A. Licciardello, C. Poleunis, P. Bertrand
SIMS XII, [1999]
High depth resolution ToF SIMS profile by using Principal Component Analysis ToF-SIMS
F. Vernerey, T. Duc, H. Montigaud
SIMS XII [1999]
Surface characterization of polymer films treated by atmospheric pressure plasma for enhanced wettability and adhesion
T. Duc, F. Sommer, M. Botreau, E. Gat, C. Reynaud, A. Villermet, P. Cocolios, E. Prinz and F. Forster
Proc. Index 99, Non Woovens Congress, R&D session, Genève, [27 - 30 April 1999]
Lidocaine loaded biodegradable nanosphere I- optimisation of the drug incorporation into the polymer matrix
T. Gorner, R. Gref, D. Michenot, F. Sommer, T. Duc, E. Dellacherie
Journal of Controlled Release 57 p. 259 - 268 [1999]
Protein encapsulation in biodegradable amphiphilic microspheres
P. Bouillot, N. Ubrich, F. Sommer, T. Duc, J.P. Loefler, E. Dellacherie
Intern. Journal Of Pharmaceutics 181 p. 159 - 172 [1999]
A study of the interaction of polymerized acrylic acid with water and other solvents
M. Alexander and T. Duc
Polymer Vol. 37, N° 8, p. 1377 - 386 [1999]
Méthodes d’analyses multivariables appliquées à l’analyse quantitative moléculaire par ToF-SIMS
M. Botreau
Thesis of University of Lyon I [1999]
Protein encapsulation within PEG-coated nanospheres : I Physicochemical characterization
P. Quellec, R. Gref, E. Dellacherie, F. Sommer, J.M. Verbavatz, M.J. Alonso
J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 42 p. 45 - 54 [1998]
Optical properties of Ceramic-Like layers obtained by low energy ion beam irradiation of polysiloxane films
G. Marletta, A. Toth, I. Bertoti, T. Duc, F. Sommer, K. Ferenc
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B41 p. 684 - 692 [1998]
The chemistry of deposits formed from acrylic acid plasmas
M. Alexander and T. Duc
Journ. of Material Chem.8.(4), p. 937 [1998]
Interfacial interactions of plasma polymerized acrylic acid and an oxidised aluminium surface investigated by XPS, FTIR
M. Alexander, S. Payan and T. Duc
Surf. and Interf. Ana.(13), p. 961 [1998]
Scanning Force Microscopy of mixed fatty acid/protein Langmuir-Blodgett films transferred on miscovite, a model of their organization
N. Dubreuil, S. Alexandre, D. Lair, F. Sommer, T. Duc, J.M. Valleton
Colloids and Surfaces B (11) p. 95 - 102 [1998]
Analyse de surface par ESCA – Principe et Instrumentation, Analyse élémentaire et Applications
T. Duc
Techniques de l’Ingénieur P2, p. 625 [1998]
Role of migration process in the efficiency of intumescence flame retardant additives in polypropylene
G. Marosi, I. Ravadits, G. Bartalan, P. Anna, M.A, A. Toth and T. Duc
“Fire Retardancy of Polymers: the use of Intumescence” Ed by the Royal Soc. of Chemistry. (Cambridge, 1998), Vol. VIII, 87, [1998]
Qualitative and quantitative multivariate analysis and regression methods applied to static ToF SIMS
M. Botreau, T. Duc
Proceedings of ECASIA 98, p. 816 - 819 [1998]
Observation et quantification des dépôts lacrymaux sur lentilles hydrogel et évaluation de l’efficacité préventive des tensioactifs
V. Rebeix
Thesis [1997]
AFM Characterization of Fatty Acid – Protein Langmuir-Blodgett Films
Tran Minh Duc, F. Sommer, S. Alexandre, N. Dubreuil, D. Lair and J. Valleton
(Proceeding ECASIA) S.I.A [1997]
Surface functionalization of polymers by plasma or UV – laser assisted : a new way leading to electroless metallization
M. Charbonnier, M. Alami, M. Romand, M. Botreau and T. Duc
Proc. of the 20th Ann. meeting of the Adhesion Societ L.T DRZAL Ed., (ISSN : 1086-9506) p. 481 - 484, [1997]
Analysis of the Dynamic Organisation of mixed Protein/Fatty Acid LB films
S. Alexandre, N. Dubreuil, C. Fiol, D. Lair, F. Sommer, T. Duc and J. M. Valleton
Thin Solid Films p. 293 295 - 198 [1997]
Contribution of Lateral Force and “Tapping Mode” Microscopies to the Study of Mixed Protein Langmuir-Blodgett Films
F. Sommer, S. Alexandre, N. Dubreuil, D. Lair, Tran Minh Duc and J. Valleton
Langmuir p. 13 791 - 795 [1997]
Surface functionalization of polymers by plasma or UV – laser assisted: a new way leading to electroless metallization
M. Charbonnier, M. Alami, M. Romand, M. Botreau and T. Duc
Proc. of the 20th Ann. meeting of the Adhesion Soc. L.T DRZAL Ed., (ISSN : 1086-9506) p. 481 - 484, [1997]
XPS and ToF SIMS study of the formation of an aminosilane on an oxidized stainless steel surface
L. Lianos, N.S. Prakash, E.L. Aarch, M. Charbonnier, M. Romand and T. Duc
Proc. of the 19th Ann. meeting of the Adhesion Society, T WARD, Ed., (ISSN : 1086-9506) p. 197 - 200, [1996]
Elaboration and Characterization of Phospholipid Langmuir Blodgett Films
J.M. Solletti, M. Botreau, F. Sommer, W.L. Brunat, S. Kasas, T. Duc, M.R. Celio - Langmuir 12[22] p. 5379 - 5386 [1996]
Characterization of mixed miscible and non miscible Phospholipid Langmuir Blodgett Films by AFM
J.M. Solletti, M. Botreau, F. Sommer, T. Duc, M.R. Celio
J. Vac. Sci. Technol.B14(2) p. 1492 - 1497 [1996]
Characterization of corrosion initiation on 2024 aluminium alloy by atomic force microscopy
T.J. Warner, M.P. Schmidt, F. Sommer, D. Bellot
Z. Metallkd. 86 7 p. 494 - 501 [1995]
Characterization of lacrymal component accumulation on worn soft contact lens surfaces by atomic force microscopy
J. Baguet, F. Sommer, V. Claudon-Eyl et T. Duc
Journal of Biomaterials.16, p. 3 - 9, [1995]
Surface morphology of polybuylacrylate/polymethylmethacrylate core shell latex by Atomic Force Microscopy
F. Sommer, T. Duc, R. Pirri, G. Meunier, C. Quet
LANGMUIR, Vol.11, p. 440 - 448, [1995]
Imaging modes in Atomic Force Microscopy
D. Parrat, F. Sommer, J.M. Solletti, T. Duc
Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques,Vol 13 (3), p. 343 - 352 [1995]
Surface Analysis Applied to Polymer and Biological Samples
T. Duc
Surface Review and Letters, Vol 2, N° 6, [1995]
Additive Migration on Polymer Surfaces Investiated by TOF SIMS
L. Lianos, T. Duc, S. Rechmaier and J. Hammond
Proceedings SIMS IX, Benninghoven (Ed.), p. 468 [1994]
High Resolution Imaging of Insulators by TOF SIMS
L. Lianos and T. Duc
Proceedings SIMS IX, Benninghoven (Ed.), p. 573 [1994]
Applications of AFM for studies of biomaterials
D. Parrat, F. Sommer, N. Auduc-Boyer, A. Coleman, C. Quet, I. Revenko, J. Baguet and T. Duc
Analysis, V22, n° 8, p. 35 [1994]
Atomic force microscopy study of the collagen fibres structure
I. Revenko, F. Sommer, T. Duc, R. Garrone et J.M. Franc
Biology of the cell., Vol. 80, p. 67 - 69, 19 [1994]
Surface Structural Studies of Polyethylene, Polypropylene and their Copolymers with ToF SIMS
L. Lianos, C. Quet and T. Duc
Surface and Interface Analysis. Vol. 21, p. 14 - 22, [1994]
SIMS ToF and In situ XPS studies of polymer surface modifications by a remote oxygen plasma treatment
L. Lianos, D. Parrat, T. Hoc, T. Duc
Journ. of Vac. Sci. Tech. A 12 (4), p. 2491 - 2498, [1994]
Comparison of three different of analytical imaging of the stable isotopes of nitrogen for application to plant studies
P. Massiot, F. Sommer, A. Gojon, N. Grignon, F. Lefevre, M. Thellier, C. Ripoll
J. Trace and Microprobe techniques 12(3) p. 103 - 122 [1994]
Seeing is believing: Imaging amphiphilic-cyvlodextrin derived liposomes by atomic force microscopy
F. Sommer, T. Duc, A.W. Coleman, M. Skiba, D. Wouessidjewe
Supramolecular Chemistry, Vol.3, p. 19 - 22, [1993]
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