DGA (2019 - 2021) RAPID ECTOPLASME : Coating removal and organic treatments by atmospheric plasma
FUI (2011 - 2016) BATIR : Functionalization of surfaces and deposition of thin films by atmospheric plasma (high-performance, eco-efficient and sustainable process)
FUI (2010 - 2013) COMET : Controlling contamination on the performance of the latest generation of electronic circuits
ANR (2009 - 2012) ELOGE – 3D : Optimised electrolyte for 3D geometry
FUI (2008 - 2011) ORTOFIB : Construction of an analytical FIB
ANR (2006 - 2009) ARTHEMIS : Development of characterisation methods for the study of junctions and dopant redistribution phenomena in advanced sub-micron devices
6th PRCD (2005-2009) ACTECO : Eco Efficient Activation for Hyperfunctional surface – Integrated Project N° 515859-2
6th PRCD (2004-2006) ISAMCO : Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite as sensor and actuator : Application in Motion Control - Contract N° FP6-505275-1
6th PRCD (2005 - 2006) NEWTRESI : New treatments for surgical implants
6th PRCD (2002 - 2004) Member of Network PLASMATECH - Contract N° G1RT-CT-2002-O5083