In static mode, it uses a total primary ion dose of less than 1012 ions per cm2 , i.e. less than one primary ion per 1000 atoms of the surface, to acquire a spectrum. ToF-SIMS is therefore a soft ionisation method that allows surface molecular analysis. The secondary ions formed are then focused and accelerated with the same kinetic energy in the time-of-flight analyser, which separates them according to their m/z ratio with very good mass resolution (ΔM/M > 10,000 at mass 28). The resulting mass spectra represent the intensity of the secondary ions as a function of their travel time, which is proportional to the square root of the m/z ratio.
By alternating acquisition and abrasion sequences, a compositional profile can be drawn with nanometer depth resolution.
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry allows the characterisation of the elemental and molecular chemical composition of the extreme surface of solid samples, without requiring any special preparation. All materials compatible with ultra-high vacuum (10-10 mbar) can be analysed by SIMS: metals, alloys, semiconductors, polymers, varnishes, paints, adhesives, additives, surfactants, ceramics, glass, wood, paper, textiles, ultra-thin deposits, mono-molecular layers (Langmuir-Blodgett, self-assembly), biological samples (fingernails, hair, bones, membranes, plant tissues, etc.)...