Our team of experts will accompany you throughout your FIB SEM analysis project, from the formulation of your problem to its resolution.

BIOPHY RESEARCH useS the latest FIB SEM innovations as well as numerous detectors and modules. We will provide you with complete results and a detailed report on which you can discuss with our engineers.

Not sure if the FIB SEM is right for you? Do not hesitate to contact us so that together we can find the technique adapted to your problem.

FIB SEM Ga or Xe principle

The FIB (Focused Ion Beam) is a focused ion beam allowing a micro-machining of the sample surface.

Ga or Xe FIB is used to locally machine the material to make cross sections and thin slides for TEM.

Most FIB systems use Gallium to machine the surfaces (on about 10 - 15 micrometers) and prepare the thin slides for TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) observation. The Xenon FIB, less widespread, allows to machine larger dimensions, more than a hundred micrometers. 

Over the past 25 years, FIB has become a key technology for a wide range of applications in materials science: circuit editing, TEM sample preparation, microstructural analysis, micro-nanomachining....

Combined with the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), the FIB is a powerful equipment for nano manipulation and nano fabrication.

The GIS (Gas Injection System) made in ORSAY PHYSICS allows to deposit materials locally or to facilitate the etching of some materials. 


Machining of thin slides (thickness < 100 nm) 
TEM requires samples that are thin enough to allow electrons to pass through. FIB, with its nanometric precision, is ideal for locating and machining samples. 



Cross-section of the sample at different depths
The FIB allows to make 'cross sections' in order to observe the structure and/or the chemistry of the sub surface in SEM. It is possible to alternate analysis/engraving sequences for a 3D reconstruction of the etched volume.



Deposition of thin layers of tungsten or platinum


Due to the sputtering effect, the FIB is used as a micro-fabrication tool, to modify or to machine material at the micrometer or nanometer scale. It is also used to deposit materials, "Ion Beam Induced Deposition" (IBID).


By scanning an area of the sample with the ion beam, the precursor gas is decomposed and the non-volatile tungsten or platinum remains deposited on the sample surface. The deposited layer protects the sample from Gallium or Xenon sputtering.

FIB SEM applications


FIB SEM technical specifications

  • Source: 
    • Conventional FIB: Ga liquid metal (LMIS)
    • Plasma FIB: Xenon plasma (Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) source)
  • Current density :
    • Conventional FIB: 100 nA
    • Plasma FIB: 3 µA
  • Accessible volume : 
    • Conventional FIB: few tens of µm (length) x few µm (depth)
    • Plasma FIB: several hundred µm x several hundred µm

FIB SEM strengths

  • Dual Beam: preliminary localization of the area of interest by SEM & visualization of the engraving in real time
  • Access to buried interfaces and larger areas
  • Possibility to zoom in on specific areas