Our partner Novachim Formation is a certified training organization, DataDock and Qualiopi referenced.
You can ask your OPCO to cover the costs.

We have been offering for many years two sessions per year (2 to 3 days) in 'Chemical and physical characterization of surfaces and interfaces in materials' with the following program: review of techniques, handling of systems, sample analysis, discussion of results....
Tailor-made training programs can also be organized according to your needs.

In this case, a program 100% adapted to your issues/samples is developed with you and our team.


The training is aimed at technicians and engineers confronted with issues (development, production, quality, etc.) related to surfaces and interfaces in materials: surface treatments, materials with controlled surface properties, surface cleanliness control...


  • To understand the contribution of the different analysis techniques to the study of the physico-chemical, morphological and mechanical properties of surfaces and interfaces in materials
  • To discover and to compare the most recent analytical methods for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of surfaces with the best chemical, molecular and nanometric resolutions
  • To discuss the current and future developments of these methods; from microscopic to nanometric

Program 2025

Several modules are present in the BIOPHY RESEARCH training courses: review of the principles of the different techniques, handling of the instruments, sample analysis, results processing, discussion with our engineers on the results and your problems...

To find out more, we invite you to consult our detailed program by clicking here.

Next sessions

1st session 2025 (3 days) : March 18 - 20, 2025

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